Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Prayer

I have my next ultrasound appointment Friday morning. I'm trying to stay positive and hope I haven't started ovulation yet - and that the follicles are large enough.

Since starting the road toward creating a family, we've tried several different methods to make it happen. Somehow I don't think any single one of them would work independently:
  • Western medicine (FSH shots and medication)
  • Eastern medicine (acupuncture)
  • Voodoo (a Mojo Fertility baby)
  • Witchcraft (moonstones)
  • Disney magic (faith, trust and pixie dust)
  • Jewish prayers
We'll be going to synagogue Friday night and, during silent prayer, we'll be saying this one:
"Shechina my God, God of all generations, I stand before you today as did my mothers, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, Leah, Hannah and Michal, to ask for your help in my quest for a child. As each of their journeys took a different path, so, too, I am mindful that my journey has many possible endings.

"I stand before you not to ask for a baby, but to ask for the strength to face all that lies before me with grace, dignity, and courage. Help me to remember that your covenant at Sinai bound those who were there with those who had not yet come to be, and to be mindful of the participation of both myself and the child I seek in that covenant relationship with you. Help me to accept the comfort and support of my family and friends as I walk this road, and keep alive in me the spirit of hope. Amen."
Keeping the faith...

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