I haven't always been a fan of naps. My father once got a call when I was in kindergarten that, instead of napping, I was reading to the other children. He didn't see why that was a problem.
I think the first time I learned to love naps was in college. I'd have super-early classes that would require me to wake up at 6:15 a.m. so I would have time to get breakfast in the dining hall and walk across campus to probably the farthest spot from my dorm. I would come back and take a cat nap after lunch prior to my afternoon class.
When you hit "the real world" naps don't happen as much. I try to nap on the weekends, and I am one of those people that falls asleep in the car and on planes during takeoffs and landings.
But never have I enjoyed naps as much as I have since this pregnancy.
I wake up at 7-something for work - and usually go to sleep around midnight (without coffee this is kind of an incredible thing). But this week, while working from home because of the holidays, I've been able to sneak in a cat nap each day - and it feels amazing.
I was so sleepy when I was in Walt Disney World earlier this month that I actually fell asleep on the Universe of Energy - it was all I needed to keep going for the day at Epcot after taking the redeye from Los Angeles to Orlando.
I've heard that once the baby comes, everyone says that mom should sleep when baby sleeps. Not sure if I can sleep on command, though. The nice part about naps is that your body tells you when it is tired - not the other way around.
And, of course, I would give anything for a mocha. :)
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