After more than a year of waiting ... plus a two-month waiting period for a chicken pox vaccine ... it was finally time for us to go to the Fertility Clinic.
The appointment was set for a Wednesday afternoon - which means sitting through a day at work and trying not to think about it.
We went to the clinic and I really had no idea what to expect. We knew we'd be meeting the doctor and that I would be having a vaginal ultrasound - which sounded more painful than it ended up being.
We learned that we were wrong -- what we thought was my husband's low motility turned out to not be true. The doctor said that he could see no reason why we wouldn't be parents by July 2013...I almost started to cry. Hearing that after all this time felt so good.
DH came with me into the exam room - and of course his inner 5 year old came out (he though the light was a microphone). I told him he had to behave or he couldn't stay.
The doctor took the probe and checked me out. He told me I had a gorgeous uterus (a compliment I hadn't expected). He then moved the probe around some more and reached a bunch of black spots. I asked if those were the eggs... and he said yes, a healthy amount. Somehouw this devolved into me having "Huevos" -- which has since led to my husband wanting to make Hueveos Rancheros.
In any case, I knew my child-bearing hips would come to good use.
They said to come back in three days after my period began for another ultrasound to make sure everything was still good.
My period came Monday night- so I went in today for more of the same fun probing - made even more fun by the fact I have to have something in me during my period.
Everything was still in good order with a lining of 7 cm...I'm guessing that's a good thing.
So now I'm booked to come in for US No. 2 next Thursday (before we go to a Synergy event with Carsland ... quite a day).
I thought I swould have a fun HSG test this Friday... but, of course, per Murphy's Law, Kaiser was booked and only offers the tests on Fridays. So I'm up next Friday for something that involves blowing up a balloon inside me. I was told to take advil and that I might need Valium. My thought: are you kidding me? Valium? Really? I'm someone who spent a week with an infected wisdom tooth. A valium for mild cramping?
Of course, when I called the clinic, the nurse (who must think I'm an idiot) said the doctor would have to sign off on that Thursday. I kept explaining to the nurse that the RE coordinator called the clinic and was told it would be fine. As it is, I have a 32 day cycle and don't ovulate till around day 20...which means June 24ish. So while for most people that might be a problem, it isn't for this chiquita.
So with all this testing fun comes medication fun: and it was time for a trip to Kaiser's pharmacy. Since I didn't have time to wait 45 minutes for it to be filled, I dropped it off and came back this evening. I am now the proud owner of 5 days worth of cloid, some Valium, some dox-something (to keep away infection), some syringes and some vaginal suppositories. I could make a killing on Let's Make a Deal. The nurse thought it would be easier to get it all at once...anytime I can make one less trip to Kaiser WH is a good day for me.
Tonight was the first for the Clomid. The pharmacist said it could make me dizzy - and the Dr. suggested I mash it up. So I listed to the latter and ignored the former. I bought a pill crusher and mixed it up in my Mocha Ice Blended. So one day down...four to go. No dizzyness (I hope the mashing helps).
Next step is confirming the tests -- and enjoying the time before the second U/S. I'll get one more trip on Radiator Springs Racers - since, if this takes it will be at least 9 months before I can ride it again.
I haven't told that many people what I'm doing - but if anyone who is reading this will learn all about it. I also had an imaginary conversation with my bubbe - the one person who I will miss the most during this process as she was so excited at the prospect of being a big bubbe.
It's amazing to think that around my birthday I'll find out if I'm going to be a mother (cue scary music).
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