Saturday, October 27, 2012

Team Pink or Team Blue?

On Friday morning, Adam and I had our anatomy scan - which is a really scientific way of saying: we found out if we were having a boy or a girl.

We got to Kaiser at 7:15 for our 8 a.m. appointment and went in to see the tech. When we walked in to the room, I handed the tech an envelope

I decided I didn't want to just be told what it was, I wanted it to be revealed.

So the day before at work I printed out two phrases:

"Beautiful Beautiful, Beautiful Beautiful Boy"
"Thank Heaven for Little Girls"

I cut both to the same length and put them in an envelope that, on the outside I wrote, Baby Fischer.

I asked him to keep the right one in the envelope and toss the other. Then we would open it after the appointment.

He took pictures of the matzo ball for an hour by running the scanner up and down my belly (thank goodness they warmed the gel) and had us turn away when he focused on the "gender shot." It was so cool to see matzo ball look like a baby - kicking and moving arms around.

At the end the tech said he'd get the report to radiology and be right back with the envelope.

We cleaned up, took the envelope and headed down the hall.

We opened it up and had our answer:

We both started crying.

Ironically, that night we had the yahrtzeit for my Bobie. She would have been thrilled.

I was able to reuse the envelope when I got to the office to tell my coworkers. Why just say it? Make it magical!

P.S.The organs were all beautiful and the OB emailed be that the scan was 100% normal :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Shop til I drop?

I'll be the first to say I hate clothes shopping.

I do, however, like shopping for things.


Lately though I get minor panic attacks when I pass the baby aisles at Target. There are 7 bazillion things there and I have no idea what the heck I need.

I'm fairly certain my mother didn't use even half of that stuff on me. Would getting something ake me a better mother? Would not getting it make me a worse mother? What do I really need and what is just fluff.

It's like when we got married.

Yes, chair covers are pretty - but are they really needed? Don't forget to pick up the marriage license! Comfortable shoes? Check!

You knew what was needed and what wasn't. It was for 5-7 hours - tops.

This is 18 years and, as we are too often told - the development early in life can affect everything else... blah, blah, blah.

Will this child be loved?

Cutest nursery ever?

Which breast pump is best?
No frickin idea.

We'll likely start registering in December. Last time I did this we ended up with 12 beer glasses on the registry. I have to remember to watch Adam if I hand him the scanner.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I Had a Dream....

They say sometimes our answers come to us in our dreams.

My biggest question: Are we having a boy or a girl?

A little more than a week from now, we'll have our answer.

Last night I had a dream I was playing with a toddler -- a little girl.

We'll see soon enough if it is true or just wishful thinking.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Allergy or Cold? Same Difference

One of the best parts about being pregnant is when you have a cold - you can 't do a damn thing about it.

I'm kidding.

It sucks.

After waiting on hold 45 minutes to have a nurse ask me when my last period was - um June! - and if I was dizzy - no - I was told there was really nothing they could do and I should get a humidifier.

That's it.

No Nyquil or Dayquil. No nasal spray. No nothing.

I have armed myself with Vicks Vapo-Rub, Vitamin C drops and a new humidifier.

This sucks... and if my food aversions weren't bad enough, I now have a built-in appetite suppresent.

Let's hope the humidifier gets the job done .

Maybe I can meet someone who can create a cold pregnancy line - we will make millions

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Labor and Delivery: The Pre-Tour

I hate surprises. Ask anyone. I hate things jumping out at me. Fear of the unknown is even bigger for me than spiders.  My feeling is: If I know what's coming I can be prepared.

Before we go on a cruise, we walk through everything we're going to do and where we are going to go.

In the spirit of that, Adam and I have signed up for a Labor & Delivery tour in December so we can see everything we need to know.

But, am am the kind of person who goes on youtube to find videos of the cruise she will be taking, so... I found a virtual tour at Kaiser's web site so I know what to expect (when I'm expecting).

I know that the saying goes: 'We plan and god laughs." But my husband was a Scout and I was a Brownie -- and, if anything, we know: Be Prepared!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Please Don't Let This Be Me

A comedy of errors I hope doesn't happen next march - but something tells me it will.