We got to Kaiser at 7:15 for our 8 a.m. appointment and went in to see the tech. When we walked in to the room, I handed the tech an envelope
I decided I didn't want to just be told what it was, I wanted it to be revealed.
So the day before at work I printed out two phrases:
"Beautiful Beautiful, Beautiful Beautiful Boy"
"Thank Heaven for Little Girls"
I cut both to the same length and put them in an envelope that, on the outside I wrote, Baby Fischer.
I asked him to keep the right one in the envelope and toss the other. Then we would open it after the appointment.
He took pictures of the matzo ball for an hour by running the scanner up and down my belly (thank goodness they warmed the gel) and had us turn away when he focused on the "gender shot." It was so cool to see matzo ball look like a baby - kicking and moving arms around.
At the end the tech said he'd get the report to radiology and be right back with the envelope.
We cleaned up, took the envelope and headed down the hall.
We opened it up and had our answer:
We both started crying.
Ironically, that night we had the yahrtzeit for my Bobie. She would have been thrilled.
I was able to reuse the envelope when I got to the office to tell my coworkers. Why just say it? Make it magical!
P.S.The organs were all beautiful and the OB emailed be that the scan was 100% normal :)