Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Matzo Ball - Part III

Getting bigger every time.
The Matzo Ball waved at me last Friday.

I waved back - it just seemed like the right thing to do.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Appointment With.... Everyone

I honestly haven't booked this many things since my wedding.

Dentist, OB, baby classes, hair, facial, massages.

All of the appointments I have are important in various ways - although some might say the ones with the doctor are wee bit more important than my pregnancy massage in Vegas (I would beg to differ).

Although now that my time at the clinic is done - that's one less set of appointments.


Thank goodness I already have my 2013 calendar - the first three months are filling up fast.

So book now and I can pencil you in.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I've Heard That Song Before

Kaiser offers a plethora of pregnancy-related classes - most of them are free (bonus). We'll get to take Lazmaze, Infant CPR, Breastfeeding and Baby Care Basics.

Yesterday, Adam and I went to a Healthy Pregnancy Class designed for first trimester parents-to-be.

In typical kaiser fashion - they doublebooked the room. So the classroom we were supposed to be in was being used for a Lamaze class -- and they sent us to the basement classroom. Really Kaiser - you offer this class one day a month and you doublebook?

The first hour was taught by a nurse and was about overall pregnancy dos and don'ts. The second hour was a nutritionist talking to us about what we should be eating.

If I lived in a cave, didn't buy a book or had never gone online - the class would have been helpful.

Instead - it was two hours of redundency. I think it helped Adam somewhat (and he wasn't the only guy in class).

Plus - a Power Point presentation in printouts is totally lame.

There were people at all stages of pregnancy in the class. One woman was due in October. I'm thinking - you're doign this now? If this is new to you, you might have bigger problems.

I would have loved more insight into the other classes - but we were just told, call the class line and book (we were also told that they sell many things at their store).

We're both looking forward to the Baby Care class (I wonder if I'll get Babysitting class flashbacks).

Monday, August 13, 2012

Thursday, August 9, 2012

A Frapuccino Short

I invented a new drink.

Since I'm supposed to be cutting back on my caffeine...but giving up my Starbucks is not in the cards, I found a plan that works for my diet AND is more economical.

I buy a bottled frap and each day I only drink one-third of it.

This way, I get the kick without all the caffeine AND instead of going through a four pack in four days -- it will take 12!

Boo yah!

They might not sell "short" Fraps, but that doesn't mean I can't drink them.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Time Is a Gift

I'm so torn...

On the one hand, I really would just love the Matzo Ball to make an appearance (I know if comes with a  whole new set of worries, but at least I would know it came out OK). 

On the other hand, I'm told the next 8 months will fly by and to enjoy it while I can (I guess I'll enjoy second trimester more, first one thus far is pretty so-so).

I'm also trying to be more conscience of my food intake - which is so unlike me, but it's for the good of the matzo ball. So more proteins and veggies - yada, yada, yada.

It's 8 months - I can make it work.